Saturday, October 28, 2006

Green-Rainbow slate

A vote for procorporate candidates is a wasted vote.
Please vote:
Grace Ross for Governor
Martina Robinson for Lt. Gov
Jill Stein for Secretary of State
James O' Keefe for Treasurer

They are the statewide candidates for Massachusetts. We are the only
noncorporate party running. We stand for peace, pro labor, single payer health care,
affordable housing, and getting rid of those annoying touch-screen machines! And much more!

It's raining again...

Arrgh. Global warming for sure. Had to take off my shoes and socks. Prospect Street is a lake.
I would prefer snow to rain.
I have started writing my book! I do not know the difference between autobiography
and memoir. If any one can tell me that would be great. I am basically gathering old diary and journal entries and melding them together. I will intersperse this with nonfiction, poetry,
and quotes. Then I will do a re write ( hard for a person who hates rewrites.)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ah well

the knights of NEEEEEEEE

Here we go again...

This is Jen Mazer with a new blog. Hopefully this will be more successful than the last one
(snort). I picked the name Wound Mosaic because it has stuck in my head since the

Here we go again...

This is Jen Mazer with a new blog. Hopefully this will be more successful than the last one
(snort). I picked the name Wound Mosaic because it has stuck in my head since the