This book was ever so much more serious. My favorite character was
"Whiskey Jack". He seemed to be saying, don't forget the land...
Now I see many polytheists putting gods first before the land. They say we are not
an earth based religion. Hmmm. I seem to remember many of those Pagans in the
past were only quite willing to pollute the earth too just as much as industrialists
today. Now I quite agree "Pagan" is not the best word for us because it is too
broad, vague, and insulting. But I prefer that to "Reconstructionist".
I am not saying the gods are not important. It is high time the monotheists
realize the old gods are being revived again; and that we much prefer the polytheist
way of looking at things. We believe in all of the gods, although we choose to worship a specific pantheon. I am not speaking here of Wiccans and witches, neither of which I know much about. (I am not saying I do not like the Wiccans and witches. I think
we "Recons" owe them a great debt).